
Just arrived!

On the 11th of March 2011 we discussed what we could do for victims with Marylene, and we decided to start this project "Anata to Watashi no Quilt" (Patch for Japan) and announced it here on the 18th.

It has been a year.

Finally the quilts from Ruette, Belgium and crochet blankets from Paris have arrived at Yoko's quilt shop, "NASA".

12 boxes were unloaded from a truck

The shop must be filled with the quilts!

The blankets, and Yoko's customers and friends who got them

There are so many choices! They all differ from each other so it would be hard to pick only one out.

We are happy that they can get them in time for the continuing cold weather.


  1. waouhhhhhh good news
    I'm very Happy for you
    see you soon

  2. http//:simplevert.skyrock.comMarch 22, 2012 at 5:55 PM

    I am happy that the quilts have arrived in Japan !
    I made some squares last year. Hope it will be useful !
    They are beautiful.

    Simplevert from Belgium

  3. So happy to see our participation arrived !!
    thank you to relate all this story And pleased to "meet" some beneficiaries who choose
    Sorry of my bad english.....

    Best wishes
    Leelou of France (Hautes-Alpes)

  4. oh ! je suis émue, c'est du bonheur d'imaginer leur joie ;-) merci pour le reportage
    oh! I am moved, it's happiness to imagine their joy ;-) thank you for the report

  5. I'm so happy that they finally arrived... The women seams so happy to have one blanket.. It's m'y little seed of hapiness for today... Please show us a lot of pictures!!!

  6. Nous sommes très heureuses que toutes les couvertures soient arrivées à destination : une aventure solidaire qui nous a permis de créer du lien d'un côté et nous espérons de "réchauffer" le cœur des Japonais de l'autre. Evelyne

  7. Thank you Masako for those wonderful pictures !

  8. So happy they arrived !!
    Please send us other photos ... so much emotion here in EUrope to see these photos ..
    It gives sense to all this project , and all this year of organizing this project!

  9. Very happy the blankets arrived safely until you!

  10. Super, je suis contente qu'elles soient enfin arrivées !
