
Workshop in Bangkok 2013

Masako and I went to Bangkok for a week for giving workshops at Pao's quilt studio.
This is the front of her studio.

There was Masako's new quilt hanging on a wall at the entrance.

We had 17 students each day (from 8th to 11th) and made a bag which had 16 blocks using piecing paper and crochet boarders!

The first day

The second day

The third day

The final day

Many students brought their works like bags and pouches which were originally CRIB QUILT's kits or used her fabric collections "American Country".

There were only 2 Japanese students all through the duration.

We had never given workshops at Pao's atelier before, but with her and her husband, Kob's helps, everything went so well!

Interpreter, Bhussadee, Pao and Kob

One night Bhussadee san, Masako and I went to be given a massage. It was so relaxing!

Overall the students preferred the workshop at the studio, which gave them more intimate atmosphere than the ones held at the big hotel for the past years.

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