
"Toast to My Ancestors!" by Akane Sakamoto at the Tokyo Dome Show

One more good reason to visit the Tokyo Dome Show is that you can see and admire various styles of quilts.

Personally I liked an exhibit by Akane Sakamoto, which was called "Toast to My Ancestors!"
It was unique and was a feast for the eyes!

It resembles something, doesn't it?
Yes, it is one of the self portraits of Van Gogh!
Japanese images surround Van Gogh in this particular work of art.

A flock of chickens!

They are talkative pouches.
I like the idea of using a zipper as a mouth.
They wouldn't zip their lips, as they seem to have nothing they are sorry about!

This is her buddy, Mofuo, who is life size.

Masako, Mofuo and the artist, Akane Sakamoto

Emi, Mofuo and the artist, Akane Sakamoto



  1. Love all of these. I would love to know how to make the chickensa,

  2. SUper photos ! you look gorgeous with these red glasses !!
    many thanks for theses photos ..
    I wish I could come back again for this show ..
