"Sutekini Handmade" is a handcraft TV program aired by the Japanese National Public Broadcasting Organization, NHK.
They also publish a textbook to assist viewers in making projects as shown on their programs.
The textbook has another serial section(not aired,textbook only) where Masako's creations appear for three months.
Over the three months period, from January to March, Masako teaches how to make a tapestry using seven different blocks.
Three patterns are shown in the January issue.
You see the finished tapestry in the bottom right hand corner of the photo below.
Each block will be assembled by crocheting.
A different creation, using one of the basic patterns of the month, is shown each month.
A pouch, with the bobbin pattern, is shown for the month of January,
Here are the links for both the TV program and the textbook.
TV program