
Mark your calendar!

Did you know Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival committee will hold its first autumn quilt festival in September?

The venue is not Tokyo Dome, but in the building called "Prism Hall" which is right next to the Tokyo Dome.

Number 1 is the Tokyo Dome and Prism Hall is number 7 on the above map.

The space is limited compared to the Tokyo Dome and it will focus more on commercial areas rather than exhibits.

CRIB QUILT will have a booth where we will sell new fabrics and kits for the winter vacation.

It will take place from the 16th to 19th of September, so please save the dates!



A trip to Paris 2015 "l'aiguille en fete"

"l'aiguille en fete" is a handcraft show which is always held in the heart of Paris in the cold month of February.
(Thank godness, this time it was not as cold as when we were invited to the show in 2012. )

"I'aiguille en fete" means needle festival in English and it is literary the festival of any handcrafts using a needle.

There were a lot of vendors who were selling yarn for knitting and kits for embroidery and quilting.

Aimee is the owner of the store called "L'Oisive The" and gives you a wide choice of beautiful yarn coming from all over the world!
She brought the good news that she will be opening up her second store in Paris!

Rosa from Apliquick patchwork.
She sells wonderful rods with which you can applique, no matter what shape, even if you have struggled before.

Have you joined a speed knitting contest? 
If you were there, you would not believe how fast they knitted!

Every time we visit Paris we always ask Claire and her friends if they have time to join us for dinner. They all took part in a project called "Patch for Japan " which sent quilts and crocheted blankets to people living in Ishinomaki who were affected by the tsunami in 2011.

When handcrafters get together after the show, they always share what they bought with each other. 
Masako gave them a mini workshop at a bistro! 



"Sutekini Handmade" February and March issues 2015

In January I wrote about the magazine, "Sutekini Handmade", where Masako's works would appear for three consecutive months.

Here are some photos from the February and March issues.

Apart from the basic patterns of the tapestry, a bag with a sewing machine block was the creation of the month for the February issue.

Finally, readers can finish the tapestry over the three month period. There are many pictures which explain how to assemble each block by crocheting. How helpful those pictures are in this finishing process.



Workshop by Lynette Anderson

Many of you have heard of or met the very well known quilt designer, Lynette Anderson.

Lynette and Masako were both invited to the first international quilt show in Norway last September. Lynette told us that she was planning to come to the Tokyo Dome Show for her personal enjoyment.

She has had a booth three times at the Tokyo Dome Show and most of our students recognized her.

So we asked her if she would give a workshop for us after the show and she immediately answered yes, with pleasure!

We were wondering how many students would sign up for the workshop because we had never invited any artists/teachers before.

It turned out that sixty-six (66) students wanted to join and we split them into two (2) groups.

Our store doesn't have enough space to have more than thirty (30) students at the same time. So we decided to rent a classroom of FUJIX (the leading Japanese thread company) , which was definitely the perfect place.

The workshops were held on the 29th and 30th of January and each class began at 11 am.

At the show in Norway, we delivered a fifteen minute speech and Lynette brought a slideshow, using her computer. She told us how she got interested and involved in quilting along with her stories of her family.
We liked her program very much and asked her to bring it to our workshop to share with the students.

Small, beautiful applique and stitchery are her specialty. It was a treat to be able to see her sewing up close.

When Lynette gives a workshop, she always prepares a secret surprise for the students.
She brought four stickers (two students for each of two days) and put them under the chairs.
At the end of the workshop, she said "Look under your chair and you may find something." 
They are the lucky students to receive one of her nice gifts.

Day 1

Day 2 

Lynette was kind enough to have brought as many quilts as she could and needless to say, our students appreciated her country style works very much.
She always had a smile on her face and answered every question that the students asked.

Thank you, Lynette, for a great time!



TOKYO International Great Quilt Festival 2015 : A program on stenciling

Masako delivered a program on stenciling on the 23rd of January at the quilt show.

To begin with, she spoke about how the stencil was developed and how it affected the way of living in America under financially difficult times and circumstances. Many people could not afford wall paper and furniture in the nineteenth century. This type of stenciling emerged from the desire to decorate the interiors of their homes.

Masako also told about an American lady who is now 101 years old and still living on her own on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
We visited her home to celebrate her 100th birthday with Irene,our American friend, and were inspired by her stenciled walls and furniture and hand stenciled quilts as well.

Masako wanted to combine stenciling with quilting and created some templates to make patchwork pattern designs.
It's currently out of stock, but will be available online soon.
